2014年4月19日 星期六

Fixed Gear Fright

趁著今晚還是好天氣, Fixed Gear到南港車站!

想不到快到終點時, 發生意外!!左腳踏板整隻掉
當場傻眼, 回頭還好螺絲都在, 檢起整隻踏板,心想



裡沒人,喊了幾聲, 老闆才從旁邊的小房間走出來問

幹麻, 不過看樣子我是打擾到老闆跟老闆娘的好事,

還好老闆非常冷靜的問我需要什麼, 心裡除了感恩,

也很不好意思打擾到老闆下班的甜蜜時光, 跟老闆

借了六角棒, 把踏板裝回去,完成今晚的終點之旅!!


Or take advantage of the good weather tonight, Fixed Gear to South Station!

When you think the end is coming, an accident!! Whole foot off the pedal
Spot dumbfounded, but fortunately the screws back in, seized from the whole pedal, thinking

Slowly the roots ready to go home, think of the intersection, god bless!!

There is a car tire shop did not close the door, and quickly pull the car over to see shops

Where nobody cried a few times, the boss was out to ask from a small room next to the

Whatcha, but evidently I bother with the boss to boss a good thing,

Fortunately, very cool boss asked me what I wanted, and my heart in addition to Thanksgiving,

Boss is also very sorry to disturb sweet time work, with the boss

Borrowed hexagonal rods, put the pedal back together, to complete the end of tonight's trip!!

Hope can sustain home!!
— 在南港車站